Clairvoyance and Occult Powers

Clairvoyance and Occult Powers


(4 Reviews)
Clairvoyance and Occult Powers by William Walker Atkinson







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Clairvoyance and Occult Powers


(4 Reviews)
Including clairvoyance, clairaudience, premonition and impressions, clairvoyant psychometry clairvoyant crystal-gazing, distant clairvoyance, past clairvoyance, future clairvoyance, second-sight, prevision, clairvoyant development, astral-body traveling, astral-plane phenomena, psychic influence--personal and distant, psychic attraction, psychic healing, telepathy, mind-reading, thought transference, and other psychic phenomena.

Book Excerpt

development. A few easily-mastered principles which give you the key to the whole of this wonderful subject.

LESSON XVII PERSONAL PSYCHIC INFLUENCE OVER OTHERS Psychic Influence exerted over others, when in their presence. Different degrees of the influence. Possession of this power by Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius Caesar, and other great leaders of men. The ability to influence others is a sure sign of the possession of this psychic power. The Three Underlying Principles of Psychic Influence. The importance of strong desire to influence and exert power. The importance of clear, positive mental pictures of what effect you wish to produce. The importance of the firm concentration of your mind on the subject. The creation of a positive psychic atmosphere. The Positive Psychic Aura. How to project your Psychic Power. The Psychic Struggle between two persons. How to handle yourself in such conflicts of Psychic Power. How to Neutralize the Psychic Power of others, and thus disarm them. The


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One of the first, if not the first books I ever read on psychic development. Out of the hundreds of books that I've read on psychic development over the last 40 years, very few, if any, have impacted me the way this one did. In fact, Id be hard pressed to recall the titles and/or the authors names of even ten. I had an original 1916 edition that my father found in an old car. He gave it to me as a 'gag' gift. He lost his sense of humor when he found out I was studying and practicing the the excercises religeously. Mr. Atkinson aka the Swami Panchadasi, was my biggest influence in my passion for Metaphysics. Right up there with my Uncle Chuckie, who's pre-llewellen, Psionics 101, fueled my passion for Mind Science. Thanks to them both, I was and am a Force to be reckoned with.
This is an old book and the style is typical of its time, around the turn of the 20th century. And it is a very very good book, with lots of practical information and little psuedo-scientific gobbldygook that a lot of writers then and now insisted and insist on including. (If I see one more utter misinterpretation of quantum mechanics used to explain things that just don't explain well I will unleash an unaccustomed stream of obscenities.)
The first thing you should know about this book is that this Swami author isn't Indian. He may very well be a swami, possibly in the way that Bill Gates has a doctorate from Harvard, honorarily, but he isn't a native of the Indian continent. The author is, in truth, William Walker Atkinson. Wikipedia describes him as a lawyer from Baltimore who started his business career in 1882.

That bit of truthfulness out of the way, this book addresses the primary principles of clairvoyance. Some of the terminology and scientific references are obviously outdated, but he does a lot of useful explaining and presents material that is reinforced by other reading I have done on this subject. Parts of it read like a self affirmation pamphlet and much of the rest of it is presented in an unappealing “golly gee whiz” sort of way, but the general content is widely corroborated.

The most unfortunate part of the book is that it actively avoids any sort of scientific explanation of phenomena he cites. What he provides are the results of experiment data proving that telepathy works, but nothing explaining why or how. I counted ten instances where the author begged off scientific explanation as too complex to go into. Even if I didn't have the math, chemistry and science background to understand an explanation, I would've liked to have at least seen one.
Noam Josephides - Heart-Pounding Sci-Fi Mystery
FEATURED AUTHOR - Noam Josephides is an award-winning and bestselling author, screenwriter and director. He is also a serial technology entrepreneur with numerous successful companies founded, and a past as an Airforce Captain. Noam's love for speculative writing and Science Fiction began with the genre classics he read in his childhood - from Asimov and Heinlin to Clarke and Douglas Adams.