Among the Wild Tribes of the Afghan Frontier
Among the Wild Tribes of the Afghan Frontier
A Record of Sixteen Years' Close Intercourse with the Natives of the Indian Marches
Book Excerpt
ained from hostilities--Meets his death 277-286
Chapter XXIII
Rough Diamonds
A novel inquirer--Attends the bazaar preaching--Attacked by his countrymen--In the police-station--Before the English magistrate--Declares he is a Christian--Arrival of his mother--Tied up in his village--Escape--Takes refuge in the hills--A murder case--Circumstantial evidence--Condemned--A last struggle for liberty--Qazi Abdul Karim--His origin--Eccentricities--Enthusiasm--Crosses the frontier--Captured--Confesses his faith--Torture--Martyrdom 287-295
Chapter XXIV
Number of converts not a reliable estimate of mission work--Spurious converts versus indigenous Christianity--Latitude should be allowed to the Indian Church--We should introduce Christ to India rather than Occidental Christianity--Christianizing sects among Hindus and Muhammadans--Missionary work not restricted to missionarie
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