Pollyanna Grows Up

Pollyanna Grows Up


(3 Reviews)
Pollyanna Grows Up by Eleanor Hodgman Porter







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Pollyanna Grows Up


(3 Reviews)
Pollyanna, now cured of her crippling spinal injury, spends her time teaching the "glad game" to new town, and a very bitter woman Mrs. Carew. Along the way she makes new friends, such as Sadie, and is courted by two childhood friends, Jimmy and Jamie: Jimmy is a hale and hearty aspiring architect, Jamie is a delicate literary genius whose withered legs compel him to rely on a wheelchair and crutches. Jimmy also finds out his family's background, and how he ended up alone. --Wikipedia

Book Excerpt

ould be all right in some boarding school here meantime. But Mrs. Chilton didn't want to leave Pollyanna in just a school, and so he was afraid she wouldn't go. And now, Ruth, there's our chance. I want YOU to take Pollyanna this winter, and let her go to some school around here."

"What an absurd idea, Della! As if I wanted a child here to bother with!"

"She won't bother a bit. She must be nearly or quite thirteen by this time, and she's the most capable little thing you ever saw."

"I don't like 'capable' children," retorted Mrs. Carew perversely--but she laughed; and because she did laugh, her sister took sudden courage and redoubled her efforts.

Perhaps it was the suddenness of the appeal, or the novelty of it. Perhaps it was because the story of Pollyanna had somehow touched Ruth Carew's heart. Perhaps it was only her unwillingness to refuse her sister's impassioned plea. Whatever it was that finally turned the scale, when Della Wetherby took her hurried leave half an hour later


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Profile picture for user go_to_hell_happy@hotmail.com
I do agree with Ella: the part of the story about Mrs. Carew and her search for her long lost nephew is very touching indeed. The ending of this book however is a bit predictable and disappointing. I did like the first half but the second half came off as unnecessary OR as something that needed to be a third, separate novel. In the end tho, I still will recommend this book for everyone who enjoyed Pollyanna book #1 and is curious about her fate. :)
I agree that it's a shame that aunt Polly regressed like that, and as a sequel, it has it's shortcomings. There's not a lot of focus on the Chiltons, for one.

However, I found the story of Mrs. Carew and her search for the lost Jamie very touching. I think it's a very engaging story within its own right, and I absolutely love the book for it.
This book is a sequel to Pollyanna, by the same author. It is not quite as good. It gets a bit preachy in places (poverty is bad!) and there is a convoluted sub-plot with a boy called Jamie that was a bit contrived. I was dismayed to see Aunt Polly so regress as a character in a way I did not think was fair. This was not a horrible read, but it for sure was not as good as the original.