Earth's Enigmas

Earth's Enigmas
A Volume of Stories


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Earth's Enigmas by Sir Roberts Charles G. D.





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Earth's Enigmas
A Volume of Stories


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Do Seek their Meat from God -- The Perdu -- "The Young Ravens that Call upon Him" -- Within Sound of the Saws -- The Butt of the Camp -- In the Accident Ward -- The Romance of an Ox-Team -- A Tragedy of the Tides -- At the Rough-and-Tumble Landing -- An Experience of Jabez Batterpole -- The Stone Dog -- The Barn on the Marsh -- Captain Joe and Jamie -- Strayed -- The Eye of Gluskâp

Book Excerpt

tigated, or aught unamenable to the spirit of the age, would have seemed an anachronism. But back here, among the tall wild-parsnip tops and the never-stirring clumps of orange lilies, life was different, and dreams seemed likely to come true.

The Perdu lay perpetually asleep, along beside a steep bank clothed with white birches and balsam poplars. Amid the trunks of the trees grew elder shrubs, and snake-berries, and the elvish trifoliate plants of the purple and the painted trillium. The steep bank, and the grove, and the Perdu with them, ran along together for perhaps a quarter of a mile, and then faded out of existence, absorbed into the bosom of the meadows.

The Perdu was but a stone's throw broad, throughout its entire length. The steep with its trunks and leafage formed the northern bound of it; while its southern shore was the green verge of the meadows. Along this low rim its whitish opalescent waters mixed smoothly with the roots and over-hanging blades of the long grasses, with the cl

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