Jack North's Treasure Hunt

Jack North's Treasure Hunt
Daring Adventures in South America


(1 Review)
Jack North's Treasure Hunt by Roy Rockwood







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Jack North's Treasure Hunt
Daring Adventures in South America


(1 Review)

Book Excerpt

g one without trouble.

His amazement may be therefore understood when, at his first effort, he failed to move it an inch from the floor.

It lay there as solid as if bound down!

His failure was the signal for Fret Offut to break out into a loud laugh, which was instantly caught up by the workmen, until the whole building rang with the merriment.

"Baby!" some one cried. "See Mires carry his. North ain't got the strength of a mouse!"

By that time Mires had reached the opposite end of the shop, and was putting down his burden to turn and join in the outbursts over the discomfiture of his young companion.

Jack had now awakened to the realization that he had been the easy victim of a scheme to cast ridicule upon him.

Mires could never have carried away this wheel. The thought of the trick which had been played upon him aroused all the latent energy he possessed. He did not believe the wheel could weigh five hundred pounds, and if it did not he would lift it, as he be

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