State of the Union
State of the Union
Book Excerpt
e slightest study of business conditions
will satisfy anyone capable of forming a judgment that the personal
equation is the most important factor in a business operation; that the
business ability of the man at the head of any business concern, big or
little, is usually the factor which fixes the gulf between striking success
and hopeless failure.
An additional reason for caution in dealing with corporations is to be found in the international commercial conditions of to-day. The same business conditions which have produced the great aggregations of corporate and individual wealth have made them very potent factors in international Commercial competition. Business concerns which have the largest means at their disposal and are managed by the ablest men are naturally those which take the lead in the strife for commercial supremacy among the nations of the world. America has only just begun to assume that commanding position in the international business world which we believe will more and more be hers. It
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