The Ethics of the Dust
The Ethics of the Dust
Ten Lectures to Little Housewives on the Elements of Crystallization
Book Excerpt
head very much on one side.) Ah, now --please--please--tell us true; we want to know.
L. But why do you want me to tell you true, any more than the man who wrote the "Arabian Nights"?
ISABEL. Because--because we like to know about real things; and you can tell us, and we can't ask the man who wrote the stories.
L. What do you call real things?
ISABEL. Now, you know! Things that really are.
L. Whether you can see them or not?
ISABEL. Yes, if somebody else saw them.
L. But if nobody has ever seen them?
ISABEL. (evading the point). Well, but, you know, if there were a real Valley of Diamonds, somebody MUST have seen it.
L. You cannot be so sure of that, Isabel. Many people go to real places, and never see them; and many people pass through this valley, and never see it.
FLORRIE. What stupid people they must be!
L. No, Florrie. They are much wiser than the people who do see it.
MAY. I think I know where it is.
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