Mary Magdalen
Mary Magdalen
a chronicle
Book Excerpt
if there were!
His indifference surprised Herodias.
"What are you staring at?" she asked; and to assure herself she looked over the balustrade. "That carrion? You should----"
Her hand drawn across her throat completed the sentence.
The tetrarch shook his head. There was no hurry. Then, too, the prophet was useful. He reviled Jerusalem, and that flattered Galilee. But there was another reason, which he kept to himself. Iohanan affected him as no one had done before.
He feared him, chained though he was, and into that fear something akin to admiration entered. In his heart he wished he had let him alone. No, there was no hurry. As he assured her of that the prophet looked up.
The guests approached. Their number had increased. There were Greek merchants from Hippos and Sepphoris, Pharisees from Jericho, and Scribes from Jerusalem. Herodias clapped her hands. A negro, naked to the waist, appeared.
"Take him below."
But the guests surrounde
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The story of Mary Magdelen's discovery of Christ as her truth and promise. Told in the form of a full, descriptive and colorful prose, Well written to the extent that for anyone with an understanding of the story of Christ, and who thus knows the facts of the final moments inclusive of his crucifixion, there remains the faint hope that perhaps Mary will prevail with her confronting entreaties towards Judas, Herod, Pilate and the Centurions, so as to safe the life of the King of the Jews.
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