The Accomplished Muskrat Trapper

The Accomplished Muskrat Trapper
A Book on Trapping for Amateurs


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The Accomplished Muskrat Trapper by Arno Erdman Schmidt





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The Accomplished Muskrat Trapper
A Book on Trapping for Amateurs


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In placing this booklet before the great fraternity of Americantrappers, the author does not propose to exercise any pedagogicalinfluence upon the truly professional trapper, who, seasoned in thehard school of experience, knows the animals he is seeking, like amother knows her child. It is his wish, however, to assist and guidethe amateur to a greater success.

Book Excerpt

without getting caught.

In the late fall when 'rats are busy building and repairing their houses, they can be caught by setting the trap on that side of the structure showing the greatest slope; because here they ascend when at their labor. When staking the trap at a set of this nature, it is advisable to drive another stake about a foot beyond the first. The animal, when caught, struggling winds the chain around the outer stake, and is thus hindered from reaching the house, where it otherwise would do great damage, tearing and digging into it. This would result in frightening the other inmates away, thus lessening the trapper's chances of duplicating his catch.

The washes under banks and the undermined roots of trees at the water's edge, created by the ceaseless toil of the elements, afford good places to set traps, as every passing 'rat will visit such places. Traps should be set and covered very carefully, as a place of this nature is often investigated by the elusive mink and inquisitive ra


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