Edison's Conquest of Mars
Edison's Conquest of Mars
(with an introduction by A. Langley Searles)
Historically, the work is one of the earliest to employ the interplanetary theme. It is the first to portray a battle fought by space craft in the airless void; and possibly the first also to propose the use of sealed suits that enable men to traverse a vacuum. Of the more minor twists of plot initially found here that have since become parts of the "pulp" science-fiction writers' standard stock-in-trade, there are literally too many to mention.
Book Excerpt
em>New York, N. Y. May 1947
It is impossible that the stupendous events which followed the disastrous invasion of the earth by the Martians should go without record, and circumstances having placed the facts at my disposal, I deem it a duty, both to posterity and to those who were witnesses of and participants in the avenging counterstroke that the earth dealt back at its ruthless enemy in the heavens, to write down the story in a connected form.
The Martians had nearly all perished, not through our puny efforts, but in consequence of disease, and the few survivors fled in one of their projectile cars, inflicting their crudest blow in the act of departure.
They possessed a mysterious explosive, of unimaginable puissance, with whose aid they set their car in motion for Mars from a point in Bergen County, N. J., just back o
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This is an amazing book. Very interesting plot and nice charecter development. From the first chapter to the last your attention is drawn in and kept. This beautiful and can even function as sequel to HG Wells war of the worlds. Ignore the idiot who gave this book only 1 star as that idiot couldn\'t tell a good story from a bad one.
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BORING! Written in the old grand style like H. G. Wells. If you like Wells, you may like this.
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