The Story of a Pioneer

The Story of a Pioneer


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The Story of a Pioneer by Elizabeth Garver Jordan, Anna Howard Shaw



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The Story of a Pioneer


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"Joyous in the reading .... more entertaining than nine out of ten novels of the present day."—Detroit Free Press. "One of the most charming and fascinating autobiographies ever published. ... A luxury of humor . . . the record of a heroic and dauntless soul."--The St. Lows Post-Dispatch.

Book Excerpt

years later, in America, and many other things had happened first.

For one, he had temporarily dropped his trade and gone into the flour-and-grain business; and, for another, he had married my mother. She was the daughter of a Scotch couple who had come to England and settled in Alnwick, in Northumberland County. Her father, James Stott, was the driver of the royal-mail stage between Alnwick and New- castle, and his accidental death while he was still a young man left my grandmother and her eight children almost destitute. She was immediately given a position in the castle of the Duke of Nor- thumberland, and her sons were educated in the duke's school, while her daughters were entered in the school of the duchess.

My thoughts dwell lovingly on this grandmother, Nicolas Grant Stott, for she was a remarkable woman, with a dauntless soul and progressive ideas far in advance of her time. She was one of the first Unitarians in England, and years before any thought of woman suffrage entered the minds of


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