Katherine's Sheaves
Katherine's Sheaves
Book Excerpt
y afternoons in the south recitation room; and the lesson
for next Sabbath will be on the Creation, as given in the first
chapter of Genesis. And this reminds me that I have neglected to
inquire where you will attend church. As our catalogue states,
each student is allowed to choose her own place of worship. Where
do you propose to make your church home?"
Katherine had expected this question before; nevertheless, she flushed slightly as she turned back to face her interlocutor, and replied:
"I am a Christian Scientist, Prof. Seabrook, and I shall attend the church on Grove Street."
The pause which followed this announcement was painfully ominous, and Katherine was amazed at the frozen look which suddenly settled over the gentleman's face, together with the expression of stern disapprobation which instantly drove all the kindness out of his hitherto genial eyes. "A Christian Scientist!--indeed!" he said, in a tone as frigid as his look. "It is a matter of regret to me that you did not state that fact
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