Ben Pepper
Ben Pepper
Book Excerpt
they tell you, you are to do. And remember one thing, you are not to crowd and push."
"We can't see if the big people all get in front," said Joel, grumblingly.
"Then you must go without seeing," said Mrs. Fisher, decidedly. "At any rate, you are not to crowd and push. Remember, Joel, and all of you."
"I won't," said Joel, "crowd and push. Now may we go, Mamsie?" and he began to prance to the door impatiently.
"One thing more. Come back, Joel." Mrs. Fisher waited until the group was once more quiet around her chair. "And you are none of you to handle things."
"Not when we are going to buy them?" cried Joel, in an injured tone. "Oh, Mamsie, I sh'd think we might when we are out shopping. And I've got such lots of money in my pocket-book." He swung it high, clenched in his hot little fist.
"Take care or you'll lose it if you show it like that, Joe," said Ben.
"How am I going to lose it?" demanded Joel, squaring around at Ben.
"Somebody'll pick it out of yo
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