American Cookery
American Cookery
The Art of Dressing Viands, Fish, Poultry, and Vegetables
Book Excerpt
wet with the juices--but if cut above ground, and just as the
dew is going off, the sun will either reduce the juice, or send it
back to nourish the root--its an excellent vegetable.
_Parsley_, of the three kinds, the thickest and branchiest is the best, is sown among onions, or in a bed by itself, may be dryed for winter use; tho' a method which I have experienced, is much better--In September I dig my roots, procure an old thin stave dry cask, bore holes an inch diameter in every stave, 6 inches asunder round the cask, and up to the top--take first a half bushel of rich garden mold and put into the cask, then run the roots through the staves, leaving the branches outside, press the earth tight about the root within, and thus continue on thro' the respective stories, till the cask is full; it being filled, run an iron bar thro' the center of the dirt in the cask and fill with water, let stand on the south and east side of a building till frosty night, then remove it, (by slinging a rope round the cask) in
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