The Beach of Dreams

The Beach of Dreams


(2 Reviews)
The Beach of Dreams by Henry de Vere Stacpoole





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The Beach of Dreams


(2 Reviews)

Book Excerpt

No one knew her but Ponting, who had for several years acted as deck hand on some of the Mediterranean boats.

"I know her," said he ranging up beside the others. "She's the Gaston de Paree, a yot--seen her in T'lon harbour and seen her again at Suez, she's a thousand tonner, y'can't mistake them funnels nor the width of them, she's a twenty knotter and the chap that owns her is a king or somethin'; last time I saw her she was off to the China seas, they say she's all cluttered up with dredges and dipsy gear, and she mostly spends her time takin' soundin's and scrabblin' up shell fish and such--that's his way of amusin' himself."

"Then he must be crazy," said the Bo'sw'n, "but b'God he's got a beauty under him--what's he doin' down here away?"

"Ax me another," said Ponting. Raft stood with the others, watching the Gaston de Paris from whose funnels now the smoke was coming festooned on the wind, then he went below to shed his oilskins and smoke.

She had ceased t


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(1919) Adventure (Ship wreck, Island survival) / Romance

R: * * * * *

Plot Bullets

A yacht and sailing ship collide. Aboard the yacht, a girl and two men are the only survivors.
They are cast away on an island in the southern Indian Ocean. They set up shelter in the caves, along the beach.
The survival of the body, quickly becomes less essential than the struggle of personalities and class.
The girl becomes the lone survivor. She has only herself and her dreams to sustained her..
The island saga nears closure when a sailor from the other ship arrives. They work together, to overcome adversity, and attain their freedom.
The immediate struggle is over. But, a new one begins.

After a bit of a slow start, this story quickly grabs the reader's attention and becomes a real page-turner. It's a very good story, full of authentic situations. The author spent much of his life at sea and around islands where this adventure takes place. Good writing, suspenseful plot, excellent characters. Highly recommended.