An Outline of Occult Science

An Outline of Occult Science


(2 Reviews)
An Outline of Occult Science by Rudolph Steiner







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An Outline of Occult Science


(2 Reviews)
Human understanding, as it works in everyday life and in ordinary science, is actually so constituted that it cannot penetrate into superphysical worlds. This may be proven beyond the possibility of denial. But this proof can have no more value for a certain kind of soul-life than the proof one would use in showing that man's natural eye cannot, with its visual faculty, penetrate to the smallest cells of a living being, or to the constitution of far-off celestial bodies.

Book Excerpt

his connection but what bears upon the author's decision to write this book. What is said in it could not be justified if it bore merely a personal character. A book of this kind is bound to proffer views to which any person may attain, and these views must be presented in such a way as to suggest no shade of the personal element, that is, as far as such a thing is possible.

It is therefore not in this sense that the personal note is sounded. It is only intended to explain how it was possible for the author to understand the above characterized opinions concerning his presentations, and yet was able to write this book.

It is true there is one method which would have made the introduction of the personal element unnecessary--this would have been to specify in detail all those particulars which would show that the statements here made are in agreement with the progress of modern science. This course would, however, have necessitated the writing of many volumes, and as such a task is at present out


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I have never been able to make any sense out of Steiner or his social philosophy. His book on the occult is equally nonsensical. There is however a very significant part of Steiners work which I believe is a must read for anyone and everyone interested in nature, ecology and the functionality of society. I speak of his book and many lectures on bees. The common honeybee very properly fascinated the social reformer in Steiner. Considering what has happened to bee colonies throughout the world in the last decade his writings on bee society and the "protocol of love" which he imagines he finds in that society are truly fascinating. His work in this area is both interesting and informative and I highly recommend it to the reader.

Unfortunately the bee related works are not as yet available on ManyBooks however they may be found in many public and university libraries
It's difficult to imagine that someone actually had a higher vision which enabled him to experience what he talks about. Not bullcrap vision or chanelling or anything like that. Steiner's body of work is tremendous in its complexity and amount. After reading a lot of it, it becomes clear that he really did have the vision.

Above all, keep your personal integrity while having as open a mind as possible when you read this book. Read it slowly and be sure you understand the concepts before moving on. The concepts aren't that difficult, just unfamiliar. Be critical as it will help you to understand. Do not be skeptical or, heaven forbid, cynical as you will not be able make sense of it.

Keep an open mind.