Perfect Control
Perfect Control
Why can't you go home again after years in space? There had to be an answer ... could he find it in time, though?
Book Excerpt
ld figures, sitting in their half circle, spread again over the lighted square.
Colonel Halter saw his own image, looking into the old masks.
He said, "And where was your weakness, Captain McClelland?"
"I was concerned," said the old voice, "with keeping us alive."
"You weren't aware that some of your crew were emotionally involved with each other?"
"Are there any more records you could show me?"
"Many more, Colonel, but I don't think it's necessary for you to see them. It would take too long. And we want to get back out into space." He paused. "We can brief you."
"About your going back into space.... I'm not sure we can allow it."
"Our answer's very simple. There's a button, under my thumb, on the arm of this chair. A little pressure. Carbon monoxide. It would be quick."
"Your idea?"
"Yes. A matter of preserving our integrity. We'd rather die than face the horrors of life on Earth."
* * * * *
Halter turn
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I'm baffled by the previous review. I found this to be one of the least entertaining and most unbelievable sci-fi stories I've ever read. It's just a bunch of dialog and flashback memories - no action. The only reason I finished it is because I thought it would get better - what a waste of time.
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Thoughtful story. The first ship to another star system limps home 50 years after it left, and the captain insists after repairs and refueling the 80 year old crew is going right back into space. The Earth shrink's problems are: to find out what's behind it all, to get them to stay on Earth, to not have them kill themselves.
Good characters all around, and a pretty tense plot.
Good characters all around, and a pretty tense plot.
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