Crime and Corruption
Crime and Corruption
(c) 2002 Copyright Lidija Rangelovska
Book Excerpt
poisonous effect of this practice:
"With a few notable exceptions, the practice of directing funds
through politicians to district projects has been disastrous. It has
created an atmosphere in which corruption is thought to have
flourished. It has reduced the responsibility of public servants,
without reducing their numbers or costs. It has been used to confuse
people into believing public funds are the "property" of individual
members rather than the property of the people, honestly and fairly
administered by the servants of the people.
The concept of 'slush-funds' has resulted in well-documented
inefficiencies and failures. There were even accusations made that
funds were withheld from certain members as a way of forcing them
into submission. It seems that the era of the 'slush funds' has been
a shameful period."
But even is the most orderly and lawful administration, funds are
liable to be mislaid. "The Economist" reported recently about a $10
billion class-action suit filed by nat
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