Notable Events of the Nineteenth Century

Notable Events of the Nineteenth Century
Great Deeds of Men and Nations and the Progress of the World
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Notable Events of the Nineteenth Century by Unknown





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Notable Events of the Nineteenth Century
Great Deeds of Men and Nations and the Progress of the World
(0 Reviews)
Editor: John Clark Ridpath

Book Excerpt

waved the tri-color flag before him as he came, and shouted to their heart's content.

At this stage of the revolution the representatives of the overthrown House and of the Old Royalty sought assiduously to obtain from Louis Philippe a recognition of the young Count de Chambord, under the title of Henry V. But the Duke of Orleans was too wily a politician to be caught in such a snare. He at first suppressed that part of the letter of abdication signed by Charles and Angoulême in which reference was made to the succession of the Duke of Berry's son; but a knowledge of that clause was presently disseminated in the city, and the tumult broke out anew.

Then it was that a great mob, rolling out of Paris in the direction of the Hotel Rambouillet, gave the signal of flight to Charles and those who had adhered to the toppling fortunes of his house. The Chamber of Deputies proceeded quickly to undo the despotic acts of the late king, and then elected Louis Philippe king, not of France, but of the


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