Wit and Mirth: or Pills to Purge Melancholy, Volume VI
Wit and Mirth: or Pills to Purge Melancholy, Volume VI
Book Excerpt
hen_ Sylvia _was kind,_ 153
_What, Love a crime,_ 154
_When I have often heard young Maids,_ 156
_What state of Life can be,_ 163
_When_ Jockey _first I saw,_ 165
_When_ Dido _was a_ Carthage _Queen,_ 192
_We merry Wives of_ Windsor, 211
_Wo'as me poor Lass! what mun,_ 263
_When on her Eyes,_ 267
_With sighing and wishing,_ 271
_What sayest thou,_ 287
_What shall I do, I've lost my Heart,_ 299
_When I was in the low Country,_ 300
_Walk up to Virtue Strait,_ 301
_When first I lay'd Siege to my_
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