The Man Who Bought London

The Man Who Bought London


(4 Reviews)
The Man Who Bought London by Edgar Wallace







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The Man Who Bought London


(4 Reviews)

Book Excerpt

dear old spendthrift Aunt Martha had died, leaving her adopted daughter with no greater provision for the future than a Cheltenham education, a ten-pound note, and a massive brooch containing a lock from the head of Aunt Martha's love of the sixties.

Between the beginning of a lift's ascent and the moment the doors open again a girl with the cares of life upon her can review more than a man can write in a year. Before the giant elevator touched bottom Elsie Marion had faced the future and found it a little bleak. She was aware, as she turned to make her exit, that the tall man before her was watching her curiously. It was not the rude stare to which she had now grown callous, but the deeper, piercing glance of one who was genuinely interested. She suspected the inevitable smut on her nose, and fumbled for her handkerchief.

The stranger stepped aside to let her pass down first, and she was compelled to acknowledge the courtesy with a little nod. He followed her closely, instinct told her that; bu


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I'm not sure what to make of this book. It is an entertaining read as it focuses on an American millionaire, King Kerry, who arrives in London and shakes up the business world with his purchases. Along the way he gets involved with a receptionist in a random way and works his way into a mystery.
I wasn't completely sold on Kerry as a protagonist. He uses tactics like relying on his vast wealth to buy up property his competitors can't afford and undercutting their prices with the intention of driving them out of business. Generally practices that would be frowned on today, but I guess we should consider him innovative. He struck me as a bully with more money using that as leverage to win his real life game of monopoly.
But yeah, there is a twist ending which is surprising. A decent read although Im not tempted to reread it to try to see it coming.
I read this book at random a while back and ended up reading every single Edgar Wallace book I could get my hands on! Twice!

I was fairly amazed at the ending. Never saw that coming!
Pleasanr reading but pretty tame mix of mystery and mayhem. But, possibly most surprising plot twist since early Agatha Christie.
Chased out of the U.S. by anti-trust legislation, American millionaire King Kerry and his compatriots are buying up London real estate and commerce, much to the dismay of their competitors. Kerry, meanwhile, is plagued by an implacable enemy and a dark, romantic secret out of his past.

Something of a potboiler, but the story moves along, and comes to a somewhat surprising end.