The Captives
The Captives
These people are captives in a religious environment, sometimes meanly orthodox, sometimes strangely but fervently fanatical. The love story is of the reunion of a man and woman after many wanderings and an unhappy marriage. One is especially interested in the environment.
Book Excerpt
was empty and silent. They must escape from that figure, now decent, clean, and solemn, lying upon the bed upstairs. Mathew took his niece by the hand and said:
"My dear, a little fresh air is the thing for both of us. It will cheer you up."
So they went out for a walk together. Maggie knew, with a deep and intimate experience, every lane and road within twenty miles' radius of St. Dreot's, There was the high-road that went through Gator Hill to Clinton and then to Polwint; here were the paths across the fields to Lucent, the lanes that led to the valley of the Lisp, all the paths like spiders' webs through Rothin Wood, from whose curve you could see Polchester, grey and white, with its red-brown roofs and the spires of the Cathedral thrusting like pointing fingers into the heaven. It was the Polchester View that she chose to-day, but as they started through the deep lanes down the St. Dreot's hill she was startled and disturbed by the strange aspect which everything wore to her. She had not as
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