The Secret Pact
The Secret Pact
Penny wants to write a story about a strange tattoo she sees on a sailor, but neither her father's nor her school's newspaper agree to the idea. Penny impulsively decides to start a new newspaper in the abandoned Morning Press building and enlists the help of a few close friends. She soon finds herself in over her head and courting trouble after she runs the story about the tattooed man in her new paper.
Book Excerpt
ways Penny had felt an intimate connection with the river, for her home overlooked the Big Bear. Not many miles away flowed the Kobalt, so closely associated with Mud-Cat Joe and the Vanishing Houseboat. It was the Kobalt which very nearly had claimed Jerry's life, yet had brought the Star one of its greatest news stories.
Ever since she was a little girl, Penny had loved newspaper work. Her entire life seemed bound up with printer's ink and all that it connoted. She had learned to write well and Mrs. Weems, who had served as the Parker housekeeper for many years, predicted that one day the girl would become a celebrated journalist.
The taxi came to a sudden halt and with a start Penny emerged from her reverie. Jerry leaned forward to ask the driver why they had stopped.
"I can't see the road very well," the man replied. "And there's a bridge ahead."
As the car crept forward again, Penny peered from the window. Through the swirling gray mist the indistinct lights which mar
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