FEATURED AUTHOR - Linnea March is a contemporary romance author who writes steamy stories about self-confident women and the rugged men who love them. She lives somewhere in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her husband, their two boys, and a plump dog. After fifteen years of teaching early childhood education, she put down the googly eyes and picked up a pen. When not writing, she can be found reading her way through her ever-growing TBR pile while drinking copious amounts of coffee. She proudly refuses…
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Recent comments: User reviews
Especially recommended are "Boarding House Geometry", "A Lesson in Fiction" and "How to Avoid Getting Married."
'Happy Days' is a book for reading in idyllic summer afternoons in the garden with the sunshine streaming through the trees. That was the feeling it evoked in me.
Some essays at the beginning of the book are slightly infantile, but the succeeding pages deliver humour and fun enough to make the casual reader ignore, if not completely forget, this first impression. Certainly Milne wrote plays better than he wrote essays, but nevertheless he is still a very good writer in this branch of literature.
The description is crisp and the dialogue colourful. Not to mention that the action is, as is usual in other Stevenson stories, completely riveting.
A.A. Milne excelled at play-writing and this is an example of the delicacy and perfection of his craft. Highly recommended.
Altogether a good read.
Thackeray\'s writing is distinctly clever. The reader can guess that Barry Lyndon purposely makes himself out to be better than he is, and his indulgent mother reinforces his inflated opinion of himself, when the sad truth is that he was extravagant, blase, avaricious, abusive of his wife and unbearably selfish.