FEATURED AUTHOR - Aaron Ryan lives in Washington with his wife and two sons, along with Macy the dog, Winston the cat, and Merry & Pippin, the finches. He is the author of the "Dissonance" series, several business books on multimedia production penned under a pseudonym, as well as a previous fictional novel, "The Omega Room." Aaron has always had a passion for storytelling. When he was in second grade, he was tasked with writing a creative assignment: a fictional book.
Recent comments: User reviews
I hate spoilers, so I'll mention nothing about the story itself. Just download it and read the first couple of chapters. You'll be hooked. Trust me.
Happy reading.
If you haven't read and are still wondering whether you should, I'm telling you, you should...
It's fast-paced, lively, thrilling, and most of all entertaining novel of science fiction (with emphasis on fiction) that will surely keep you reading it all in one session. Not the type you read twice, but certainly the type you never regret having read.
Take into your consideration however that this was written in the 1950's.
But to me, I've never read such a book. Just the first few lines, and I couldn't help finishing the book the same night. The thing that really got me mad was the thoughts of the main character, Gregor.
It's a real nightmare I wish I never go through, especially how it ends. Really as weird as it is loathsome.
Read it at your own peril...