A drunk committed suicide. Instead of death, he was in a place where time is frozen. He met a dog and a scientist. They worked together to get their lives back.
I liked it, and I recommend to anyone who is interested in things such as time travel, quantum mechanics, or theory of relativity. However, some of the "science" is a bit too hard to understand or it doesn't make physical sense at all. If you are familiar with Einstein's relativity, then this should be easy to understand.
I agree with Leah A. Zeldes. I read the story a few months ago. Not until today, I didn't even remember I read it. The story is good but not great. You won't regret reading it, but you won't have a blast reading it either.
Two astronauts landed on a planet; one, Kirk, went to explore while other, Leo, stayed at the ship. Kirk encountered a survivor, Lauren, from earlier mission; he had a small creature with him. Kirk and Lauren fought, bickered, and talked about family and friends. The story ended with Kirk and Leo leaving back home, but Lauren decided to stay, leaving the readers with a mystery about Lauren (Why didn't he leave the planet?), the creature, and the planet.
Recent comments: User reviews
I liked it, and I recommend to anyone who is interested in things such as time travel, quantum mechanics, or theory of relativity. However, some of the "science" is a bit too hard to understand or it doesn't make physical sense at all. If you are familiar with Einstein's relativity, then this should be easy to understand.