He's Right, Ya DON'T have to be nice with others beliefs.
It's NOT ridicule to express your views on the views of others. It's healthy and makes for a good debate, as long as everyone is of a sane enough mind to debate. It's sad that some are just undebatable and will go to extremes to defend their beliefs or opinion of the matter at hand.
Review of this book, it is poorly written for this time and era, ambiguous in verbiage and cryptic at times.
Old testament: WTF!!! Not what anyone alive now would expect. Instructions on how to build a temple, sell your daughter into slavery, plant a field, harvest a field, masturbation, genocide, incest and even making statues of salt.
New Testament: OMG!!! Human weakness, plotting, depravity,different versions of the "truth", bondage, murders,incest, muzzling oxes, long speeches, shipwrecks, visions, strange beings. Too much for my feeble mind, BUT YET!
The "BUT YET" is the most perplexing. But yet I find truth and hope and a comfort in this strange book. It seems to talk to me with a way as disjointed, confused and perplexed as I am.
I know what I believe, I can debate it and learn for the person I debate. I didn't write it so I don't have a dog in the race of literary perfection. The book just talks to me. Spooky Hu?
In my honest, humble opinion this book is a must read. It'll talk to you deeper than any written words can. You'll find the strength of Scarlett O'Hara, Robin Hood, Lawrence of Arabia. The dead fast devotion to a cause as Martin Luther King Jr., the sea captain Ahab, George Washington and even Adolf Hitler. They weren't all rite, they just had devotion.
A strange book, very strange book. So what do you think about muzzled oxen?
Recent comments: User reviews
It's NOT ridicule to express your views on the views of others. It's healthy and makes for a good debate, as long as everyone is of a sane enough mind to debate. It's sad that some are just undebatable and will go to extremes to defend their beliefs or opinion of the matter at hand.
Review of this book, it is poorly written for this time and era, ambiguous in verbiage and cryptic at times.
Old testament: WTF!!! Not what anyone alive now would expect. Instructions on how to build a temple, sell your daughter into slavery, plant a field, harvest a field, masturbation, genocide, incest and even making statues of salt.
New Testament: OMG!!! Human weakness, plotting, depravity,different versions of the "truth", bondage, murders,incest, muzzling oxes, long speeches, shipwrecks, visions, strange beings. Too much for my feeble mind, BUT YET!
The "BUT YET" is the most perplexing. But yet I find truth and hope and a comfort in this strange book. It seems to talk to me with a way as disjointed, confused and perplexed as I am.
I know what I believe, I can debate it and learn for the person I debate. I didn't write it so I don't have a dog in the race of literary perfection. The book just talks to me. Spooky Hu?
In my honest, humble opinion this book is a must read. It'll talk to you deeper than any written words can. You'll find the strength of Scarlett O'Hara, Robin Hood, Lawrence of Arabia. The dead fast devotion to a cause as Martin Luther King Jr., the sea captain Ahab, George Washington and even Adolf Hitler. They weren't all rite, they just had devotion.
A strange book, very strange book. So what do you think about muzzled oxen?