An interesting look at a possible cyberpunk future of nanotechnology. If you read The Diamond Age and wondered how mankind got from today to there, this might have been how it happened.
The ending is a bit abrupt and annoying, but this is intended as the first book in a trilogy - it is not THE END.
The author is relying on public response to edit the work, since this is a FREE book made available through Creative Commons and therefore there is no money to pay a dedicated editor. It is worth reading for science fiction/cyberpunk fans who are interested in furthering free espression and hearing thoughts from a new voice.
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The ending is a bit abrupt and annoying, but this is intended as the first book in a trilogy - it is not THE END.
The author is relying on public response to edit the work, since this is a FREE book made available through Creative Commons and therefore there is no money to pay a dedicated editor. It is worth reading for science fiction/cyberpunk fans who are interested in furthering free espression and hearing thoughts from a new voice.