When I was a youngster (1940's), my favorite memories are the summers my sisters and I got to spend on my grandparents farm at Dewey, (Anacortes) WA. Lazy, sunny days, doing chores, helping grampa with haying, wood cutting and stacking, milking,currying the horse,(Teddy,) picking fresh vegies from the garden, etc. Helping gramma with cleaning, cooking, canning, tending the gardens (flower and vegie) and just feeling loved. We were from Seattle, and that city was SO much different! My grandparents lived off the farm, doing trading and working for necessary things. Not many luxuries, but what they had was loved and cared for.(I have much of it today). One thing I truly loved was my gramma's favorite book, the Trail of the lonesome pine. I bet I've read it 1000 times or more over the years, and it is on my nightstand today! They had the recording also, but it is gone now. I've seen the movie many times. Can still see Claudette Colbert sitting at the base of the pine, talking to God!!!What a wonderful, emotion stirring, memory making book. I'd recommend it to anyone.
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