Looking Backward in and of itself is an amazing book that perceived the things and issues of the year 2000 nearly perfectly in 1888. The book inspired rights for workers, architecture, and indoor atriums as shopping malls that we take for granted today. For its time, this book and its future view was amazing, but most outstanding is the fact that the book foresaw our current times, and beautifully.
I don't have information on the Bellamys beyond this book, so the review here that precedes me is irrelevant to my review. I have visited a building built on the premise put forth in this book; filled with light, solar light and so beautiful.
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I don't have information on the Bellamys beyond this book, so the review here that precedes me is irrelevant to my review. I have visited a building built on the premise put forth in this book; filled with light, solar light and so beautiful.