FEATURED AUTHOR - Although formerly a science writer with over 120 published scientific papers and books, R. F. Whong is relatively new to the world of creative writing. So far, several fiction books have been released under the pen name R. F. Whong, while non-fiction works have been published under the name Ruth Wuwong. Whong is thrilled to have been chosen as a 2025 Featured Author by the Minnesota Anoka County Library. As our author of the day, she tells us all about her book, Center of Enigma.
Recent comments: User reviews
It's funny and poignant. Best of all, it's episodic. So if you don't want to read the whole thing straight through, don't worry about it. Just get to a major division and stop. The rest of the novel depends only a little on what went on before.
Milton was imprisoned for a while by Charles II for being a supporter of Cromwell and the Puritans, and Milton's perception of his tyranny is apparent in such lines as "the mind is its own place and can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven" and "better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven."
It is apparent that, though God and Christ are supposed to be the heroes of the poem, Satan stands out as the most heroic and magnificently drawn character. Arrogant, proud, indomitable, he strides through Hell as its lord and owner--never for a second bending his will to God's greater strength.
Read this poem--even if it takes you a year. You won't be sorry.