An avenge of three Buddhist disciples on an English General for killing a veteran Buddhist priest in a skirmish - that's the central theme of this story. The author piled up mediocre accounts around the dull main theme and
turned it into a novel, a typical stratagem practised by novice writers, surprisingly found here with a fabulous writer like Doyle. In fact, it would be a short story if the unnecessary dull accounts are trimmed off. Chapter VIII would bore you to the death for being written in an unintelligible English of an illiterate scotch.
No head-spinning MATERIALISTIC mystery i.e. detective type mystery will you find here . Being an occult story, you can comfortably guess what is going to happen next.
Better read a Sherlock Holmes story than this typical 95% predictable story. Don't get mislead by the generous 5 star ratings by some readers here, either this was 1st occult story ever in their life or they are biased for who
has the guts to underrate a story of Sir A. C. Doyle?!
It's an adventure-romance mixed story set in a desert of Africa unknown to the world. First half of the story would thrill adventure lovers for the perilous journey through the desert. Next half is infused with mild romance and antiquities of ancient civilization of that desert. Overall I enjoyed the story.
Those, uncomfortable with Victorian age prose, might stumble reading the passages at the beginning. But with time it would be adapted.
There are archaic salutations and addressing words used by the author that amused me a lot, like - O child of Kings, O Bud of Rose, O people of mountain-side and many others.
An enjoyable novel where the lucid dialogues from the characters would not give you any chance to get bored.
The story opened with the accidental possession of a piece of map by a lawyer named Jack. Later it turned out to be a map of treasure buried in Panama. Jack got acquainted with Evie, original possessor of the map and together they prepared for expeditions to find out the treasure with Jack’s valiant sailor friend Sam. But their opponent Captain Bothwel, expelled from military for misbehaving, was not an ordinary ruffian. His obstinate nature and reckless mentality made him distinctive and a leader of men among his accomplices. Jack and his friends struggled hard in the midst of various hideous plots masterminded by Bothwel to reach Panama. And they had to struggle really hard for Bothwel was a man physically but a wicked devil in heart.
You will find bloody mutiny, soft romance and a lot of twists and turns...
For the first time I’ve read a MacLeod’s book and I’m impressed by his writing style. Wish to
read more MacLeods in future.
The story describes the adventures of Dolphin (a ship) to search for Pole Star, a lost ship ,of Fred's (hero) father in Arctic region. On the way Dolphin confronted various perils like collision with floating ice bergs, lack of provisions etc. However the crews hunt, play football, enjoy singing, dancing, organizing theaters in leisure. The book actually introduces Arctic nature, wild life, Eskimos and many other things to the readers through the activities of the crews. In one place of the book author described how the Eskimo interpreter Meetuck built an Igloo (Eskimo snow hut) and it delighted me a lot.
If you want to acquaint yourself with Arctic's nature through pleasure of reading, grab it and start reading. The story contains substantial interesting materials unknown to non-Arctics.
I would definitely recommend it for 12-16 years old. For them it’s a great read.
But grown up readers like me (I’m 23) always want tense suspense and perilous journeys full of fast-moving occurrences in sea adventure, right? In the beginning of this story there were indeed some interesting events but gradually the story seems to focus on the Arctic nature and life styles. In a place in the story, Fred found a skeleton of a Pole Star’s crew died about a few years ago. I didn’t understand how the cold weather in Arctic region lets any human corpse to turn into skeleton. Little doubtful though. After all, as it’s an Arctic story, it might be entertaining to the grown up readers.
The story describes the adventures of Dolphin (a ship) to search for Pole Star, a lost ship of Fred's (hero) father in Arctic region. On the way Dolphin confronted various perils like collision with floating ice bergs, lack of provisions etc. However the crews hunt, play football, enjoy singing, dancing, organizing theaters in leisure. The book actually introduces Arctic nature, wild life, Eskimos and many other things to the readers through the activities of the crews. In one place of the book author described how the Eskimo interpreter Meetuck built an Igloo (Eskimo snow hut) and it delighted me a lot.
If you want to acquaint yourself with Arctic's nature through pleasure of reading, grab it and start reading. The story contains substantial interesting materials unknown to non-Arctics.
I would definitely recommend it for 12-16 years old. For them it’s a great read.
But grown up readers like me (I’m 23) always want tense suspense and perilous journeys full of fast-moving occurrences in sea adventure, right? In the beginning of this story there were indeed some interesting events but gradually the story seems to focus on the Arctic nature and life styles. In a place in the story, Fred found a skeleton of a Pole Star’s crew died about a few years ago. I didn’t understand how the cold weather in Arctic region lets any human corpse to turn into skeleton. Little doubtful though. After all, as it’s an Arctic story, it might be entertaining to the grown up readers.
I never expected such a typical story from Ballantyne. He's one of my favorite authors but this book is not a Ballantyne-type of book.
Nothing special. Very common storyline and characters.
Thanks god, the story was short and didn't take much time from me to waste.
perhaps 8/9 years old kids may get some amusement.
The story is about the Polynesian islands. A white man settled in a polynesian island lost his son during a voyage of a pirate ship. He was exiled to another unknown island and lost his human reason. The later part of the story tells how he got his son back and restored to his native island. The story has a happy ending. The author infused some humor into the natives' character.
The story is short but full of adventurous events. A hapless boy went to sea when his father died. His destination was African coast where he could trade with the natives. A good read. Short but entertaining story.
This is an awesome thriller with so many assassinations, chases and sieges. It's like in movie. The events in the story were very fluent and dynamic which had detained me to read onward till it ended. I was dumbfounded at the end when the original criminal was revealed. A criminal of higher order intellect always brings extra suspension which you will find in this book.
You will not regret if you invest your time behind the book!
It's a good romance-detective story. The plot revolves along the two twin sisters. The heroine is a girl of gracious nature. The hero's character was persistent. Overall a nice detective book to read along with some romantic moments.
Recent comments: User reviews
turned it into a novel, a typical stratagem practised by novice writers, surprisingly found here with a fabulous writer like Doyle. In fact, it would be a short story if the unnecessary dull accounts are trimmed off. Chapter VIII would bore you to the death for being written in an unintelligible English of an illiterate scotch.
No head-spinning MATERIALISTIC mystery i.e. detective type mystery will you find here . Being an occult story, you can comfortably guess what is going to happen next.
Better read a Sherlock Holmes story than this typical 95% predictable story. Don't get mislead by the generous 5 star ratings by some readers here, either this was 1st occult story ever in their life or they are biased for who
has the guts to underrate a story of Sir A. C. Doyle?!
Those, uncomfortable with Victorian age prose, might stumble reading the passages at the beginning. But with time it would be adapted.
There are archaic salutations and addressing words used by the author that amused me a lot, like - O child of Kings, O Bud of Rose, O people of mountain-side and many others.
The story opened with the accidental possession of a piece of map by a lawyer named Jack. Later it turned out to be a map of treasure buried in Panama. Jack got acquainted with Evie, original possessor of the map and together they prepared for expeditions to find out the treasure with Jack’s valiant sailor friend Sam. But their opponent Captain Bothwel, expelled from military for misbehaving, was not an ordinary ruffian. His obstinate nature and reckless mentality made him distinctive and a leader of men among his accomplices. Jack and his friends struggled hard in the midst of various hideous plots masterminded by Bothwel to reach Panama. And they had to struggle really hard for Bothwel was a man physically but a wicked devil in heart.
You will find bloody mutiny, soft romance and a lot of twists and turns...
For the first time I’ve read a MacLeod’s book and I’m impressed by his writing style. Wish to
read more MacLeods in future.
If you want to acquaint yourself with Arctic's nature through pleasure of reading, grab it and start reading. The story contains substantial interesting materials unknown to non-Arctics.
I would definitely recommend it for 12-16 years old. For them it’s a great read.
But grown up readers like me (I’m 23) always want tense suspense and perilous journeys full of fast-moving occurrences in sea adventure, right? In the beginning of this story there were indeed some interesting events but gradually the story seems to focus on the Arctic nature and life styles. In a place in the story, Fred found a skeleton of a Pole Star’s crew died about a few years ago. I didn’t understand how the cold weather in Arctic region lets any human corpse to turn into skeleton. Little doubtful though. After all, as it’s an Arctic story, it might be entertaining to the grown up readers.
If you want to acquaint yourself with Arctic's nature through pleasure of reading, grab it and start reading. The story contains substantial interesting materials unknown to non-Arctics.
I would definitely recommend it for 12-16 years old. For them it’s a great read.
But grown up readers like me (I’m 23) always want tense suspense and perilous journeys full of fast-moving occurrences in sea adventure, right? In the beginning of this story there were indeed some interesting events but gradually the story seems to focus on the Arctic nature and life styles. In a place in the story, Fred found a skeleton of a Pole Star’s crew died about a few years ago. I didn’t understand how the cold weather in Arctic region lets any human corpse to turn into skeleton. Little doubtful though. After all, as it’s an Arctic story, it might be entertaining to the grown up readers.
Nothing special. Very common storyline and characters.
Thanks god, the story was short and didn't take much time from me to waste.
perhaps 8/9 years old kids may get some amusement.
You will not regret if you invest your time behind the book!