Before there were mutant superheroes, there was Tarzan of the Apes. And Tarzan doesn't disappoint! Tarzan rocks!
This was the first book I read that introduced me to the Tarzan series (I didn't know that this was book six) and I LOVED IT! If anything, it added even more depth to the incredible first book - Tarzan of the Apes - which I read afterwards. It didn't spoil the order by any means.
In these tales, wonderfully written by ERB, we learn more about early adventures of Tarzan. We also learn more about the personality of Tarzan - the desires that drove him and his want for companionship. There is no mention of Jane in this book - this is all about Tarzan, his adoted family of apes, and his encounters with the local tribesmen.
ERB definitely had a gift for storytelling. The Tarzan series is great reading. I'm grateful to have discover this.
Another winner, although it was a departure from the already fantastic world of Tarzan. In this book, we're taken into a jungle land that literally time forgot. Dinosaurs and saber-tooths still roam. Humans are yet hairy beings with tails. But Tarzan was still Tarzan and his aim is to find his lost mate Lady Jane.
What I truly enjoyed about this book is seeing Jane develope into a refined woman of the jungle - or as Burroughs described as "Diana of the Jungle." At last, she becomes a more matching mate for her jungle lord Tarzan.
I also truly enjoyed that their son, Jack (aka Korak), is included in the story. I only wish he was a more central character. That, and the fact that there was no acknowledgement whatsoever of Jack's lovely wife back home irritated me.
However, I still immensely enjoyed this book. ERB has a great way of weaving incredible tales that, although unbelievable in reality, are just great reading in his books.
As a mom, this book made my heart ache, but I enjoyed the story nonetheless. Lots of adventure, new characters to enjoy, and familiar story lines that make reading the Tarzan series such a great joy.
Wow! I really enjoyed this book. The Tarzan stories just seem to get better and I enjoy the twists the author throws in from time to time. Excellent read.
Recent comments: User reviews
This was the first book I read that introduced me to the Tarzan series (I didn't know that this was book six) and I LOVED IT! If anything, it added even more depth to the incredible first book - Tarzan of the Apes - which I read afterwards. It didn't spoil the order by any means.
In these tales, wonderfully written by ERB, we learn more about early adventures of Tarzan. We also learn more about the personality of Tarzan - the desires that drove him and his want for companionship. There is no mention of Jane in this book - this is all about Tarzan, his adoted family of apes, and his encounters with the local tribesmen.
ERB definitely had a gift for storytelling. The Tarzan series is great reading. I'm grateful to have discover this.
What I truly enjoyed about this book is seeing Jane develope into a refined woman of the jungle - or as Burroughs described as "Diana of the Jungle." At last, she becomes a more matching mate for her jungle lord Tarzan.
I also truly enjoyed that their son, Jack (aka Korak), is included in the story. I only wish he was a more central character. That, and the fact that there was no acknowledgement whatsoever of Jack's lovely wife back home irritated me.
However, I still immensely enjoyed this book. ERB has a great way of weaving incredible tales that, although unbelievable in reality, are just great reading in his books.