Hello and thanks to all who downloaded Scorched Earth, thus far. Hopefully you will hit my books again and see this new request.
It seems like I have a potential agent to handle my work, and Scorched Earth appears to have some strong interest.
To that end, I humbly request a brief critique of my novel by all who have decided to read it. This will, undoubtedly, help me in my publishing endeavours.
Let me know if you like or even if you don't like it. Let me know what works and what doesn't, and any suggetions for improving the work. For all those responding to this request I will beg the future publisher to allow mention of your name in the acknowledgements, for your helpful criticisms.
I'm the author of the novel Scorched Earth.
I truly hope you enjoy reading it, and I remember that when I wrote it - back in 1979-80 - I enjoyed committing it to paper.
I would greatly appreciate any and all criticisms regarding my work, as it can only serve to help me improve the work for any future publication.
Being somewhat modest I leave the Rating at the middle button and let you decide.
Walter - [email protected]
Recent comments: User reviews
It seems like I have a potential agent to handle my work, and Scorched Earth appears to have some strong interest.
To that end, I humbly request a brief critique of my novel by all who have decided to read it. This will, undoubtedly, help me in my publishing endeavours.
Let me know if you like or even if you don't like it. Let me know what works and what doesn't, and any suggetions for improving the work. For all those responding to this request I will beg the future publisher to allow mention of your name in the acknowledgements, for your helpful criticisms.
I'm the author of the novel Scorched Earth.
I truly hope you enjoy reading it, and I remember that when I wrote it - back in 1979-80 - I enjoyed committing it to paper.
I would greatly appreciate any and all criticisms regarding my work, as it can only serve to help me improve the work for any future publication.
Being somewhat modest I leave the Rating at the middle button and let you decide.
Walter - [email protected]