Science Fiction


Scott Cato

‘Xzardak’, foretells a near future where well intentioned Aliens arrive and attempt to save the last surviving Earth people from impending oblivion. However they soon discover that nothing goes to plan when human beings are involved.


Water Memory

Tom Strelich

The earth's magnetic poles have reversed and civilization has just had its clock reset to the great cosmic flashing 12:00am from almost a million years ago, and humanity, and everybody in it, is pretty much forgetting everything it learned since the last time. Everybody except Hertell Daggett, who remembers pretty much everything because he'd once been shot in the head — the doctors got the bullet out, but missed a few tiny specks of copper that remained, floating inside his brain, connecting him to the things everybody else on earth is slowly forgetting. Hertell sees an opportunity to start civilization all over again, and maybe even get it right this time. What could possibly go wrong?


Dream State

Avraham Halili

In a world where mega-corporations control powerful supercomputers, an idealistic factory worker decides to reshape the world through the power of dreams. Corporate agendas and supernatural forces meet in this new-wave science fiction novella.


The Price of Rebellion

Michael C. Bland

It’s 2047. Secrets have been revealed. And Washington wants revenge.

Dray Quintero learned an ugly truth: the leaders in D.C. are fake. They’ve stolen the identities of those elected to Congress and are determined to stay in power, using his own technology against him and the rest of the population.

After revealing the dangers of their mandated implants to his fellow citizens, and calling on everyone to rise up, Dray joins the already-underway rebellion. But his joining is as much to free the U.S. as it is to avenge his daughter’s death. Before he can strike, The Agency attacks with devastating consequences. Dray and the other survivors are forced to run as Agents hunt them.


Moral Code

Lois Melbourne

“Smart, riveting and next gen.” — (Pamela Wirth, CEO and author of Saving My Son).  "...a provocative science fiction novel featuring the union of two unrivaled, intelligent technologies." — (Foreword Clarion Reviews).
