The Borough Treasurer

The Borough Treasurer


(5 Reviews)
The Borough Treasurer by J. S. Fletcher







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The Borough Treasurer


(5 Reviews)
Blackmail, murder and the secret of an ancient quarry go to make a very exciting yarn.

Book Excerpt

months previously, told him that he had come to these parts for a bit of a holiday, taken a fancy to a cottage which he, Cotherstone, had to let, and inquired its rent. He had mentioned, casually, that he had just retired from business, and wanted a quiet place wherein to spend the rest of his days. He had taken the cottage, and given his landlord satisfactory references as to his ability to pay the rent--and Cotherstone, always a busy man, had thought no more about him. Certainly he had never anticipated such an announcement as that which Kitely had just made to him--never dreamed that Kitely had recognized him and Mallalieu as men he had known thirty years ago.

It had been Cotherstone's life-long endeavour to forget all about the event of thirty years ago, and to a large extent he had succeeded in dulling his memory. But Kitely had brought it all back--and now everything was fresh to him. His brows knitted and his face grew dark as he thought of one thing in his past of which Kitely had spoken so eas


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Crimes from long ago and far away - are past events related to murder and blackmail in a remote English town? This is a very good mystery yarn and Fletcher's characters are interesting and strongly written.
Unusual and well-written, with a solid plot, and a good villain among other realistic characters. On the negative side, could use better description of the physical scene, and the denouement is a bit contrived.
Not the usual whodunit at all, this is a quite readable and well-plotted murder mystery without the customary clever detective who puts it all together. Instead the plot unrolls before the reader as it happens, but not without a few surprises and interesting twists. No false clues or coincidences mar the plot and everything is explained neatly in the end.
An interesting who-dun-it with the added twist of a second, third and then fourth killing - plus a twist at the end to really remind the reader that crime doesn't pay - even after 30 years of trying to escape the truth.