Maida's Little Shop

Maida's Little Shop


(3 Reviews)
Maida's Little Shop by Inez Haynes Gillmore







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Maida's Little Shop


(3 Reviews)
This is the tale of Maida Westabrook, the motherless daughter of Jerome "Buffalo" Westabrook, Wall Street tycoon. Although Maida has had everything that money can buy and the devotion of her father, she has also known trouble and heartache.

Book Excerpt

up the porch hung a brilliant red vine. Lavender-colored glass, here and there in the windows, made purple patches on the lace of the curtains.

"Got what?" Mr. Westabrook repeated impatiently.

"That little job of the imagination that you put me on a few moments ago," Billy answered mysteriously. "In a moment," he added with a significant look at Maida. "You stay too, Dr. Pierce. I want your approval."

The door of the beautiful old house had opened and a man in livery came out to assist Maida. On the threshold stood an old silver-haired woman in a black-silk gown, a white cap and apron, a little black shawl pinned about her shoulders.

"How's my lamb?" she asked tenderly of Maida.

"Oh, pretty well," Maida said dully. "Oh, Granny," she added with a sudden flare of enthusiasm, "I saw the cunningest little shop. I think I'd rather tend shop than do anything else in the world."

Billy Potter smiled all over his pink face. He followed Mr. Westabrook and Dr. Pierce into the drawing-room.


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I read the series as a child - they were my mothers and she'd saved them. Eventually, they were handed down to me and I have been reading them a chapter a night to my daughter as bedtime stores. I think we're on the 3rd for 4th time through the series for her. She loves them. The first one I read to her when she was about 7 when we started and she truly loves them.
I read these as a child, but the books were my mother's from when she was a child. She had them stored away and when I was in about 2nd grade she began to give them to me to enjoy. I loved the Maida books. They were fairy tales come to life. I always wished my parents could allow the freedom and flexibility of the life enjoyed by Maida and her friends. A great way to daydream on a lovely summer afternoon. Unfortunately when she gave them to my cousins to read, they disappeared. I wish I still had those original copies, not to sell, but to enjoy again!
One of the most delightful series I've ever read. Loved the Maida stories as a child when my Grandma picked up many of these book at one of the many yard sales she frequented. I adored them 25 years ago and I still re-read them today.

I don't know how much children of today would enjoy them, but I always enjoyed the look into the past with these books and the stories of these children.