Joseph E. Henning - Adventure-Packed Contemporary Supernatural Tale of Discovery and Exploration

Joseph E. Henning - Adventure-Packed Contemporary Supernatural Tale of Discovery and Exploration

Joseph E. Henning was born in the County of Los Angeles, California and moved to Maui, Hawaii in 2007. His debut novel, Adaptively Radiant, was inspired by city life versus island life experiences blended with a youthful passion for nature. He enjoys swimming, body surfing, traveling inner island, and a good weekend read. As our Author of the Day, Henning tells us more about Adaptively Radiant.

Please give us a short introduction to what Adaptively Radiant is about.

Adaptively Radiant is an adventure packed contemporary supernatural tale of discovery and exploration blended with folklore and a bit of magic.

What inspired you to write this book?

A burning desire to express my imagination and creativity for big adventure storytelling

You mixed traditional Japanese and Hawaiian folklore, along with contemporary sci-fi. Why did you take this approach.

I have always enjoyed mythology ever since my youth but my preference is modern day versus a complete fantasy world. I believe it makes the reading experience more authentic. After all, one should never live too far in the past or too far in the future.

Readers say that your descriptions of the terrain and landscapes in the book are simply breathtaking. How did you pull this off?

I have lived in Hawaii since 2007 and spent the first 30 years of my life in California. So, having personally visited many of the locations certainly helped. But, I also watched videos online, visited many websites, ordered books on the specific regions, looked at photographs, and generally gathered as much information as possible.

How much fun do you have coming up with these story lines and characters?

It was a blast. I spent countless hours researching mythology in Japanese, Hawaiian, and Native American cultures before selecting many of the mystical beings in the story.

Why YA? What appealed to you about this audience?

Adaptively Radiant was written with the intent for all to enjoy, from mature YA/ NA to Adult readers. The story has zero drug or alcohol references, mild violence and subtle sensuality. Good clean literature and for that I am thankful and proud.

This is your debut novel. What has the experience been like so far?

Fascinating. From the creative writing, to editing, publishing, marketing and promotion. A whirlwind of new and exciting challenges presented daily.

Do you have any interesting writing habits? What is an average writing day like for you?

I enjoy writing 5-6 hours a day during the week with weekends off to relax although I never really stop thinking about it the story.

What are you working on right now?

I am currently writing the manuscript for my second novel, a Mystery, Suspense/ Thriller in the Adult fiction genre with an anticipated release date of early 2020.

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