Lisa Consiglio Ryan - Making Healthy Living Easy

Lisa Consiglio Ryan - Making Healthy Living Easy
author of the day

When Lisa Consiglio Ryan isn't cooking up deliciously healthy food, doing yoga, advising people on living a clean lifestyle or working on her WELLness popup shop, she shares her knowledge with the world through her books. After suffering from a growing amount of health-destroying conditions ranging from hypothyroidism, candida, fibromyalgia, allergies and rosacea to cystitis, she turned to nutrition and lifestyle for a cure. Needless to say, her health was restored. Today, Ryan talks to us about her book, Go Clean, Sexy You, how she could take on Drake in a rap battle and shares the success story of one of the clients she worked with.

Give us a short summary on what Go Clean, Sexy You is all about.  

Go Clean, Sexy You not only serves up a collection of delicious recipes, but offers a holistic approach on how to live a healthier life- choosing whole foods, detoxing every season to regularly cleanse your own system, hanging out with people who fuel you, not bring you down, and managing stress with activities that bring you back to balance.

Apart from weight loss, what were some of the major changes you noticed about yourself once you started a clean eating lifestyle?

I was pretty sick in my twenties due to lots of dieting so I was able to get off of modifications (synthroid,etc... ) as well as clear up my rosacea, and develop a healthier, happier mood. I am more calm, focused and feel more at ease when I eat clean.

Besides writing and cooking delicious foods, what other secret skills do you have?

Hmmm, I'm a pretty good rapper! I'll challenge Drake to a rap battle any day.:)

How often do you think should one do a juice cleanse?

It will depend on each person, but typically you can do a 1-3 days juice cleanse once a month as long as you get the okay from your doctor if taking medication.

Apart from the delicious recipes, what aspects of healthy living does Go Clean, Sexy You cover?

Besides yummy, 5 ingredient, 5 steps or less, recipes, Go Clean, Sexy You covers a holistic approach to wellness. I provide straightforward guidance on how to overcome  the obstacles that keep you from losing those last 10 pounds with easy to adopt eating habits, free from counting calories and grams. We'll discuss how to tap into your body's wisdom, form sustainable habits, and develop a loving, respectful relationship with your body.

You suffered from fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, candida, rosacea, cystitis and allergies in the past. Are any of them still an issue?

None. I have been off of meds for at least 17 years now since changing to the clean lifestyle.

Your book also contains grocery lists. Why did you decide to include them?

First of all, there have been many times in my past, esp. when I first started exploring eating with real foods, that I had to do a lot of guesswork when I meal planned. A lot of eye rolls happened plus I just gave up when I had to count ingredients so I could keep to my budget. Also, my clients LOVED the shopping list because I spell everything out; how many apples to buy, type of almond milk,etc.. We all know if things are laid out for us, we are more likely to follow through. I want to ensure the best support for those who read Go Clean, Sexy You. It's not just a cookbook but a formula to eating healthy each season as well as practical for busy women.

What were some of the most profound success stories you have heard from people who adopted your clean living lifestyle?

I've worked with thousands of lovelies from all over the world for the past 6 years and have heard tons of great success stories, from forming long lasting  habits, to overhauling their lives. Here's one particular story that supports the step-by-step approach that Go Clean, Sexy You offers:

“Lisa…sigh…you are an absolute angel and have saved my life by continuing to educate me on true nutrition, teaching me the importance of planning, providing countless delicious clean meals, self love and for being such a positive cheerleader and for creating this awesome group of amazing beasts!!!”

The trust, inspiration, motivation, love and just plain old fun we have here is priceless. I could go on and on, but I just truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such positive influences here in this group. Whether you know it or not, you’ve all helped me stay on track with truly sticking to our 80/20 clean eating during 2015. I had been a bit, ok a LOT, of a roller coaster for 2014…thought I could just do the seasonal detoxing and eat (and drink) whatever the rest of the time. Boy, was I wrong!

Last January, when our Winter detox started, I 100% committed to getting healthier and giving it my all for the rest of the year. As a result, I’m in such a better place this year than I was last year at this time. I focused on consistency in my healthy eating and fitness. I’m fairly certain that was my stated goal for the Winter detox too…consistency. Well, I am proud to say I’m 50 pounds lighter as of today. It’s just amazing what an entire year of eating clean can do!!!! I’ve definitely broken bad habits (kicked them to the curb!!!) and created some rewarding new habits. I’m constantly faced with choices everyday and just choosing healthy. Period. I choose a healthy lifestyle and that’s what I’m creating with every choice. ~Pam Williams

*We have a membership group called Clean + Sexy Beasts, which is all year long for support from me with coaching as well as group accountability.

What are you working on right now? Can we expect any more books from you soon?

I am currently working on spearheading the very first WELLness pop up shop in my town, Annapolis. It's a combo of cruelty-free fashion, food and beauty meets fitness, all focusing on clean living and prevention of disease. I am also working on my next book that will focus on lifestyle practices and "relative" balance that I talk about in Go Clean, Sexy You.

Where can our readers interact with you or find more of your work?

I'm a social girl so you can connect with me on Instagram, Facebook  and Pinterest (@wholehealthdesigns), and I also post lots of wellness inspiration and recipes on my site:

This deal has ended but you can read more about the book here.