
Whether it is because the rapid pace at which technology is changing our world or because people can identify with oppressed characters who are struggling to make a difference, there is no denying that dystopian fiction is popular.
The wonderful thing about books is that there are ones to give for just about any occasion. They also make for very thoughtful gifts as they show that you care enough about the person to pick something that you know will appeal to them. If you have a bookworm in your life who you want to surprise for a special occasion, or just to show them that you care, take a look at the following books to give as gifts. 
Christopher Paolini began writing his epic Inheritance Cycle series, starting with Eragon, while he was still a teenager. It was self-published by his parents in 2001, before the release of a re-published version in 2003.
Ernest Cline wasn't the first author to explore the concept of virtual reality and what it would mean for society, but by incorporating 1980s pop culture elements in the story he really captured the attention of readers.
An unreliable narrator, psychological mystery, nail biting suspense and compelling characters are just some of the reasons why readers couldn't get enough of The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins.
There is just something about survival stories and persevering against all odds that resonates deeply with a lot of readers. This is one of the reasons why The Martian by Andy Weir is such a firm favorite for a lot of people.
Owning a dog is not just a lot of fun, but has actually been proven to provide plenty of health benefits as well.
MATTHEW ROZELL is an award-winning history teacher, author, blogger and speaker.
A lot of people consider graphic novels, also referred to by some people as visual novels, to be inferior to normal novels because of the inclusion of artwork.
There are numerous books aimed at younger readers today that features anthropomorphic animals, but this is not a new trend.