
Although Westerns appear to have fallen out of favor with modern audiences, they were once a staple of both the literary and film world. Contemporary shows, such as West World, has put a new science fiction spin on the genre, but readers yearning for tales set in the American Old West frontier have less newer material to choose from.
Mention the word “espionage” and most people think of James Bond. However, the cloak-and-dagger genre of literature has a lot more spies than Ian Fleming’s most famous creation.
What is a good mystery novel without a thrilling crime to solve and a dogged detective with a penchant for logical deduction? Whether it is kidnapping, theft or murder, a good detective novel draws readers in and keeps them hooked with new clues and startling revelations.
Before vampires were brooding teens who sparkle in sunlight and always rushes to the aid of damsels in distress, they were a little more sinister and horrifying.
There is a common misconception that the only free ebooks that are available online are older titles that are in the public domain. While it is true that there are thousands of free public domain ebooks, there are also plenty of contemporary titles available. Some are only available for free during a limited time period as a promotion, but others can be read at any time. Here are just five contemporary novels in the romance genre that freely available and worth a read. Many of them are the first title in a series of books, which enables you to get a feel for the story and characters to see if it is worth investing in the rest.
While virtually every celebrity has their own cooking book or show these days, there are still plenty of recipes from the past to explore.
There can be no doubt about the courage and bravery of women during times when they were not seen as the equals of men. Thankfully, there are now numerous books on the market that document the brave actions of these women.
The Walt Disney Company has built an empire out of animated films and have had a string of hits since they released Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 1937.
Long before the red planet became a target for unmanned expeditions and remote exploration, Mars has fascinated humanity.
Traditionally, romance novels tend to be set in contemporary times or, if authors prefer something a little more historic, Regency England. However, there is a whole world of free eBooks available that feature other time periods for love to bloom. War is a time of great tragedy and sacrifice, but amidst all the chaos and violence there are still opportunities for love. The six free romance novels below are all set during times of war, placing more obstacles than usual in the paths of the star-crossed lovers.