by Don Marquis
An Anthology of Catholic Poets
by Ann Warner
in a Series of Letters from Various Parts of Europe
by William Beckford
by Tamara Grantham
A Book of Essays Written in the Country
by Alexander Smith
by Leo P. Kelley
A Long Island Romance
by Sumner Charles Britton
A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp
by Harriet Beecher Stowe
by Ernst Ludwig Rochholz
Balzac, Dickens, Dostojewski
by Stefan Zweig
Eine praktische Studie
by Paul Göhre
with Suggestions on Children's Dress
by Mary Philadelphia Merrifield
An Account of Costume for Artists & Dressmakers
by Talbot Hughes
An Account of Costume for Artists & Dressmakers
by Talbot Hughes
by Harriet Anne De Salis
by Gustave Flaubert