Queen of Monsters

Queen of Monsters
Queen of Monsters
Jay Barnson

As a teen, Aiden Holt studied stories of unexplained disappearances throughout history. He never dreamed he would become one of those disappearances. Now trapped in an alien world, Aiden fights to survive against horrific creatures and determined enemies. Aiden seeks an escape—if he can find other “vanished” who beat the odds and survived in this harsh magical world.


About the Author

Jay is an author, game developer, and software engineer. A steady diet of Star Trek, Star Wars, and The Twilight Zone as a child, mixed with an addiction to the words and worlds of Robert E. Howard, Lovecraft, Heinlein, and of course Tolkien produced a mixed-up young man who went on to write stories that grow out of bizarre questions that begin with the words, "What if...?"