Peppermint Soul

Peppermint Soul
Dan Glover
Working with her partner, psychic Danners Forthright, McNairy has solved some of the most vexing crimes ever to grace the cold case files. Now, though, they are about to be thrown into a maelstrom of pain and misery stretching far beyond the original crime they are hired to solve. Do they dare go where the trail leads? Or in the end, will they pull back in order to save their own souls?

About the Author

I began writing before I learned to read. I remember my mother reading fairy tales to me and my younger brother from picture books full of wolves and princes. I must have been three years old. As she read I found myself surreptitiously tracing the patterns of each of the letters that formed the words of the story with my index finger on my thigh as I realized for the first time that they represented the words my mother spoke. When she finished her story, bade us goodnight, and shut off the light, I would crawl from bed to find my crayons and coloring book to mimic the letters from the book.

Thus began a life-long obsession with getting the story right. I still write at night. Getting the story right continues to befuddle me. I am prone to self-doubt and often times I despair of ever writing even one true sentence. Yet I persevere. Over the years I have written millions of words all aimed at the seemingly impossible goal of creating the perfect story. I have finally decided it is not the perfection that I am shooting for so much as it is the effort it takes to bring into being that which causes me so much consternation.