Searching for Sitala Mata, Eradicating Smallpox in India

Searching for Sitala Mata, Eradicating Smallpox in India
Cornelia E. Davis
This is a remarkable adventure story of a young, Black woman doctor fighting sexism and the caste system in India in 1975 to stamp out a dreaded disease—smallpox. Winner Gold: 2017 Global EBook Awards, Inspirational.

About the Author

Dr. Cornelia Davis is an author, consultant, medical pioneer, and speaker. As a junior doctor the World Health Organization (WHO) offered Connie a fluke opportunity to eradicate a deadly disease in India—smallpox. It changed her life. She went on to get a Masters in Public Health (MPH) from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. She also worked at the Centers for Disease Control/ Atlanta in epidemiology. She went on to work on infectious diseases such as malaria and HIV/AIDS in twenty African and Asian countries. She is currently semi-retired in the Lake Chapala region of Mexico near Guadalajara. She still enjoys travel, most recently to Tibet and Mongolia.