Skye and the One Republic

Skye and the One Republic
Bryan Kelsey
Skye, the first super-human in history, unaware of her secret past, and the pinnacle of all the abnormal-being a teenager. The world after World War III had created the One Republic, a powerful government which had spent years searching for Skye. No longer could those who loved her keep her hidden. Skye is forced on a journey to find the truth, save her loved ones, and inflict pain on the One Republic. She embarks on an adventure across the world, trying to avoid capture along the way.

About the Author

Bryan Kelsey a teacher turned up and coming author. SKYE AND THE ONE REPUBLIC the first released book in a fictional fantasy adventure series. The sequel SKYE AND THE CLONE ARMY is set to be released in February of 2016. Also the soon to be released JOHN KNUX AND THE MISSING GIRL is a mystery fantasy thriller which follows a gritty police detective in a futuristic world. Set for release in March of 2016 a romance novel THE WILTED FLOWER OF THE STREETS. Soon to be released written works on becoming a better teacher and topics related to what to expect when you first become a teacher. Born in Tennessee, with a heart for the distant lands overseas. Graduate of Lee University undergrad and the Masters in Teaching program.