The Island Builders

The Island Builders
Steve Peek
A post-apocalyptic mind-bender that somehow manages to convince the end of the world is not just nigh, but may turn out to be a good thing after all. Steve Peek's The Island Builders tells the riveting story of strange new lands no-one can reach and how their sudden appearance leads to the collapse of civilization and the disappearance of millions of people. Against this terrifying background, we follow the linked plight of a rogue physicist, an unstable President, a beautiful TV reporter, and three of the weirdest aliens ever to appear in literature as they attempt to save a world gone mad. A novel that will haunt your imagination forever.

About the Author

Steve writes full time, for better or for worse. Something clicked a few years ago and now he sits at his table researching and writing about things unusual.
Steve traveled extensively and explored histories and myths of peoples and places all over the world. He loves all things ancient and digs deep into lore and enigmas for his subjects.

His books on Amazon include:

The Island Builders
Your Money or Your Mustard
Alien Agenda
Coyote Dreaming
The Game Inventors Handbook
Million Dollar Monster (Short Story)
The Sword of the Stone (Short Story)
Global Warning (Short Story)

In addition to writing, he grows tomatoes trying not to be herbicidal, walks in the woods with a rescued dog and longs for the sound of clucking hens let loose in the back yard.
He appreciates the magic of life and the interconnection of all things.

He would like to hear from you via steve peek author on facebook or [email protected]