The Refugee

The Refugee
C.A. Hartman
The Korvali allow no outsider to visit their planet. They forbid their citizens to leave. But when a headstrong Korvali scientist escapes and takes refuge among humans, the repercussions are bigger than anyone imagined. The Refugee, the first book in the Korvali Chronicles trilogy, tells the story of Eshel, the Korvali refugee, and Dr. Catherine Finnegan, the human geneticist who befriends him, as they face the political, scientific, and personal ramifications of Eshel's living among humans. From censoring of their scientific work to intolerance for Eshel's cold arrogance, struggles abound... until an alarming incident changes everything.

About the Author

C.A. Hartman specializes in writing science fiction. Recovering from her years as an academic scientist, she’s refocused her overactive, analytical mind on creating thought-provoking stories with memorable characters. Her Korvali Chronicles trilogy tells the story of the fallout that occurs when an alien scientist escapes his oppressive, xenophobic planet and comes to live among humans on a starship. She’s also glad to report that she’s working on more sci-fi stories, including a series about a woman who uses (abuses?) her position of power and her knowledge of science to… um… clean up the gene pool, so to speak.

A graduate of the University of Colorado, Hartman earned her MA in Clinical Psychology and her PhD in Behavioral Genetics, and worked as a scientist for 15 years. She lives in Denver with her husband, artist Chris Voeller, and has a special fondness for good TV, the desert, aviator sunglasses, and dark roast coffee (decaf, of course, because you do NOT want to be around her when she’s caffeinated).