from The Snow Image and Other Twice Told Tales
by Nathaniel Hawthorne
or A Discource of Forest Trees & the Propagation of Timber
by John Evelyn
The later adventures of Sylvia Scarlett
by Compton MacKenzie
by Margaret Rebecca Piper
by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
A Novel
by Upton Sinclair
A Novel
by Upton Sinclair
by Lewis Carroll
by Lewis Carroll
by Lewis Carroll
by Gérard de Nerval
by Lewis Carroll
Demonstrating that the Earth is hollow, habitable within, and widely open about the poles
by Anonymous
by Paul Cameron Brown
Third Series, Modern Symphonies
by Philip Henry Goepp
Miranda Kate - Engaging Psychological Thrillers
FEATURED AUTHOR - Miranda started out life wanting to be a film director, but when directing people didn't work, she turned to words instead, finding them much easier to deal with – most days. Miranda has been featured in several Flash Fiction anthologies and ezines, and published several books, including three collections, four novels, and a novella. She writes across genres, which include Horror, Science Fiction Fantasy, Time Travel and Paranormal Fantasy, often mixing them together – the one constant being… Read more