Blown to Bits

Blown to Bits
The Lonely Man of Rakata, the Malay Archipelago


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Blown to Bits by Robert Michael Ballantyne





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Blown to Bits
The Lonely Man of Rakata, the Malay Archipelago


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A tale of the Krakatoa volcanic explosion.

Book Excerpt

"It was a cyclone that did the business. Cyclones have got a free-an'-easy way of makin' a clean sweep of the work of years in a few hours. This cyclone completely wrecked the homes of the Keelin' Islanders, and Ross--that's the second Ross, the son of the first one-- sent home for his son, who was then a student of engineering in Glasgow, to come out and help him to put things to rights. Ross the third obeyed the call, like a good son,--observe that, Nigel."

"All right, father, fire away!"

"Like a good son," repeated the captain, "an' he turned out to be a first-rate man, which was lucky, for his poor father died soon after, leavin' him to do the work alone. An' well able was the young engineer to do it. He got rid o' the chain-gang men altogether, and hired none but men o' the best character in their place. He cleared off the forests and planted the ground with cocoa-nut palms. Got out steam mills, circular saws, lathes, etcetera, and established a system of general education


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